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Month: November 2018

Auto Accidents

If you or someone you love has been in an auto accident, you know just how confusing and frightening this experience can be. In the moments after an accident, your mind is racing and you have a hundred questions from am I alright to how much is this going to cost?

Auto accidents big or small can take a large financial (not to mention mental, physical and emotional) toll on all parties involved . They can be extremely expensive when adding up all the factors or a damaged or totaled vehicle, medical bills and time off work for recovery. In this frightening time, it’s common for victims to look to their insurance adjuster for help and guidance, but more often than not, this is not a good idea. Insurance adjusters may seem genuinely concerned for your well-being, but it’s often a facade and they are actually choosing their words very carefully in order to get you to saying something that will hurt your personal injury case down the road. Their main goal after an auto accident is to make sure the insurance company pays as little as possible, so it’s imperative that car crash victims are prepared for this difficult situation.

This is why Phoenix Car Accident Attorneys Curiel & Runion published the Ten Tactics Insurance Adjusters Use to Deny Claims (and the ten worst offenders) on their website. So people like you and me can be better prepared in this confusing and terrifying situation.

This article was written by Carli Leavitt. Carli handles outreach and public relations for Phoenix Personal Injury Law Firm Curiel & Runion.