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Month: August 2018

Weight Reduction Program Day 4

Hello everyone.  It has been a couple of days since the disastrous Monday but things are looking up.  My wife has taken charge of the kitchen and is preparing the foods.  Honestly, I would have quit if it wasn’t for her, so thank you Lucinda.  I am eating juiced foods in the morning, with salad in the afternoon.  Lucinda made me a terrific carrot soup.  Now you wouldn’t think that this would be good, but she added avocado, ginger, salt and cayenne pepper and it was surprisingly very good.  I have not checked how much weight I have lost but I have already noticed my jeans are a little looser and my ring on my finger is looser.  I didn’t know that I could hold fat in my  I have been doing weights and I have noticed that I do not have the stamina I used to, so I did add a little protein to my diet.  We have a party on Sunday, so temptation will be great.  Wish me luck!

Talk to you next Monday with an update.

Dr. Richard Aragon DC

First Day of Weight Reduction Program

Yesterday was the first day of my Weight Reduction Program and it did not go as planned. l purchased the foods I needed this past weekend but I did not get everything ready the night before.  Poor Planning!  Woke up on Monday, rushed to make my juice for the morning and my salad for lunch.  Finished with 15 minutes to spare before I had to leave for work, tried the drink and it was Horrible!!!  Put to much ginger in the juice.  Could not put it down, so it went down the drain.  Oh well, mistake learned.  At lunch was hungry, but I decided to go and work out first.  50 minutes of weights and 10 minutes of cardio.  Went back to the office ready for my terrific salad.  How could I screw up a salad right?  The first bite said it all.  I mixed up the greens and put in a bitter lettuce, don’t remember what it was but it was terrible.  So I picked thru the salad, ate the tomatoes and the avacado.  And I hate avacados.  I should of known, me and the kitchen are like oil and water.  Busy day at the office and by the time I got home I was extremely grumpy.  Looked thru the kitchen, and was just irritated because  my wife had made a terrific dinner on Sunday and I was staring at the left-overs.  So my wife whipped up a nice salad for me to eat and I devoured it.  Checked my weight this morning and I had lost 3 pounds.  Will see how this day goes, but I am sure it cannot go as bad as yesterday.

Until tomorrow,

Dr. Richard Aragon DC

Weight Reduction Program

I am going to start a Weight Reduction Program starting Monday August 13.  Goal is to not only lose weight but to gain muscle mass.  Will continue with weight program.  Will do for 10 days, see how it goes, and ultimate goal is 30 days.  Will blog my activities and weight.  Will add whole food supplement to aid in my bodies new-found health.  Right now I am at 200 pounds, goal is to get to 170 pounds.  With my love for mexican food, I know this will not be easy.  Wish me luck and I will get back to all of you next Monday.

Dr. Richard Aragon DC